Transfusion medicine: the French model

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 224
Format: 21 x 27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1109-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 28/06/2013

Three major features set French transfusion medicine apart from other
international models:
in France, blood donation is underpinning by four founding principles : it is anonymous, voluntary, non-remunerated and not-for-profit.
“Ethical blood donation” is the foundation of the French model;
- this model is led by a single government agnecy, the EFS, which has a monopoly over the distribution of labile blood products to ensure
constant availability across the country;
- delivery is inseparable from immunohaematology (the EFS is the largest medical testing laboratory in France) and transfusion support, which is also provided by the EFS, to guide the prescriber towards the “right prescription” (the right product for the right patient).
Through the EFS, the French State is therefore responsible for selfsufficiency, health safety and the efficient management of the rare and
precious commodity that is human blood. The French model is one of the few to provide both “ethical blood donation” and internationally recognized efficiency.