La maladie d’Alzheimer - Affronter le diagnostic - Guide 5

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Pages: 208
ISBN : 978-2-74-200658-8
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2007

A book written in French
A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease means having to face up to all the difficult and painful situations that arise as the illness progresses.
With Alzheimer's, there is the patient, perhaps yourself or a loved one, and then there is the attitude of outsiders which is also difficult to bear.
This guide deals with 5 key stages in the disease of which the sufferer and his or her caregiver must be made aware and for which decisions must be taken.
A diagnosis of Alzheimer's is:
- a psychological shock that takes time to be accepted… even if the disease is diagnosed relatively early and does not lead to immediate major changes in life style
- having to deal with the challenge of watching your loved one lose the ability to make decisions, in other words his or her independence
- facing up to the severe dementia phase and the major cognitive function disorders that make daily tasks more and more difficult and eventually impossible to deal with alone.
It is also:
- dealing with behaviour and mood disorders
- deciding to place your loved one in an institution and choosing the latter
- dealing with one of the most painful moments, the end stage of your loved one's disease