Acute dehydration of newborns and infants

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Pages: 98
ISBN : 2-7420-0357-6
Printed in: French

Water, an element that is essential to life, is one of the main components of the human body. Newborns and infants are extremely sensitive to dehydration and therefore liable to suffer the consequences.
This book recalls the facts needed for an understanding of the regulatory phenomena between the various cellular compartments which maintain a vital balance between the water entering and leaving the body.
The aim of the book is to provide a complete overview of the subject, which is essential to paediatricians wishing to adapt their treatment to each individual situation.
The prevalence of dehydration has been reduced thanks to better supervision and treatment, but it is important to remain vigilant because dehydration in a newborn or infant can constitute a real emergency.
Au sommaire :
- Equilibre hydrique et minéral du milieu intérieur
- Régulation de l’équilibre hydrosalin chez le nouveau-né
- Thermorégulation chez le nouveau-né et l’enfant
- Manifestations cliniques et biologiques de la déshydratation aiguë du nourrisson
- Traitement de la déshydratation chez l’enfant
- Prévention de la déshydratation chez le nourrisson