La cognition dans le trouble bipolaire

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Pages: 128
ISBN : 2-7420-0640-0
Printed in: French

Bipolar disorder is still poorly understood by physicians even though it has severe psychological, social and relational repercussions for patients. Impaired cognitive function due to the disease or its treatment further impairs patients' quality of life and increases their suffering.
The purpose of this book is to review what is known about cognitive function in patients with bipolar disorder with a view to helping physicians understand the extent of the disability the disease entails.
Results obtained using the most modern investigation methods applied to bipolar disorder—cognitive tests, functional brain imaging—are also reviewed.
This book also sets out to outline the cognitive landscape in a disease which has—ever since it was first recognized— mistakenly been believed not to affect cognitive function. Doctors, patients and families will benefit from this review of a vast field characterised by studies at the interface between psychiatry and the neurosciences.
- Bipolar disorder and global intellectual functioning
- Memory in bipolar patients
- Executive function in bipolar disorder
- Functional imaging and bipolar disorder
- Role of different parts of the brain
- The hypothalamo-hypoadrenal axis
- Treatment effects
- Cognitive problems in depression