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Pages: 176
ISBN : 9782742005741
Printed in: French

A book written french.


It all begins with lifestyle changes: too many calories, too much fat and too much sugar consumed through poor and irregular eating habits and patterns, coupled with insufficient exercise in a society that takes the car rather than walks, uses the lift rather than the stairs and spends hours on the sofa in front of the television… The worldwide obesity epidemic is a fact that requires no further description.
Obesity is pathogenic as excess fat is stocked where it should not normally be found, in "ectopic" sites (the visceral space, the liver and muscles).
This excess of ectopic fat will no doubt become the most serious cardiometabolic disease of the start of the XXIst century with a rising proportion of patients presenting with abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome.
As the typical obese patient is at risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the physician cannot ignore abdominal obesity in his daily practice.
This book, which covers the epidemiological, physiopathological, metabolic and clinical aspects and devotes a whole section to cardiology, is a useful reference guide in the evaluation and optimal management of the cardiometabolic risk associated with abdominal obesity.


- Epidemiology of abdominal obesity
- Visceral fatty tissue and peripheral fatty tissue. Metabolic and secretory heterogeneity of fatty tissues: difference between visceral and peripheral adipocytes
- From abdominal obesity to metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease
- At risk obesity and cardiovascular disease
- Dietary management of abdominal obesity
- Exercise and abdominal obesity: epidemiological and metabolic aspects
- Conclusion and outlook: the interventional cardiologist, adipocytes and centimetres