L'épilepsie chez l'enfant

Conseils de vie au quotidien

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Pages: 144
Format: 15 X 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1421-7
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1555-9
Printed in: French
Publication date: 16/11/2017

Epilepsy is a common disease. It affects 1% of the population and mainly concerns children and adolescents. Epileptic crises and epilepsy are naturally a source of worry for the child’s family. But they are still not well known by caregivers and still too often a taboo subject.

A precise diagnosis is necessary in order to define the most appropriate treatment. Several questions are posed during the diagnosis.

What are the risks of epileptic seizures, the consequences of this disease and these treatments?

How will it change?

Will there be consequences?

What modifications need to be done in daily life?

This book gives simple explanations about epilepsy and its treatments. It is also interesting for the daily life of the child: school and learning, sport and leisure, video games, etc.


I. What is epilepsy?

The main types of epilepsy – Frequency of epilepsy in children – What are the causes of epilepsy? – Epileptic seizures and epilepsy: different diseases – Types of seizures – Experience of the first seizure – Epileptic seizure: what happens during an epileptic seizure? What should be done in case of a seizure? What are the risks of a seizure?

II. How to make a diagnosis of epilepsy?

Consultation – Tests performed: EEG – Brain imaging – Other tests – Genetic and consent

III. Episodes of fever: what are these?

IV. Treatment of epilepsy

Medicinal products – Global management – Treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy

V. Consequences of epilepsy

Learning difficulties – Comorbidities - Stigma

VI. Epilepsy and daily life

Daily life care – Sport and leisure – Vaccines – Sleep – Screens – Tobacco – Alcohol – Cannabis and other drugs

VII. Impact on the child and the family

Psychopathology of children with epilepsy – Family psychopathology and siblings

VIII. How to talk about epilepsy in children’s terms

What are the usual questions and worries of the child? – How to respond?

IX. Epilepsy, academic life, professional orientation

X. Adolescents with epilepsy: what are the issues?

XI. Research

Fundamental research – Medical research (drugs/genetics)

XII. Glossary

Stéphane Auvin, Neuropédiatre spécialiste des épilepsies à l'hôpital Robert Debré à Paris

Soline Roy, journaliste au Figaro