L’art des injections en esthétique

Rajeunissement et embellissement du visage

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Un pas-à-pas précis pour chaque technique d'injection doté d'une iconographie incomparable

1. Éthique et esthétique 28,00 €
2. Anatomie 28,00 €
3. Dynamique faciale et anatomie expressive 28,00 €
4. Vieillissement et rides du visage 28,00 €
5. Toxine botulique 28,00 €
6. Acide hyaluronique 28,00 €
7. Particularités morphologiques du visage masculin pour le rajeunissement facial 28,00 €
8. Techniques combinées et prévention du vieillissement facial 28,00 €
9. Prise en charge du patient esthétique et informations 28,00 €
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 312
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1591-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1634-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 28/01/2021

With the support of a rich and incomparable iconography, a precise "step by step" for each injection technique. in a process of quality, safety, ethics and response to the requirements of aesthetic patients.

Hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin injections are the two leading techniques in aesthetics, highly complementary and essential in beautification and rejuvenation.

These techniques are evolving and new concepts have appeared, so it is important for the practitioner to have a complete, up-to-date and perfectly documented work. Written by five experts with nationally and internationally recognized skills, The Art of Injections in Aesthetics thus offers an exhaustive panorama of anatomoclinical knowledge and injection techniques.

Based on an exceptional iconography of more than 400 documents (diagrams, illustrations, photos of technical gestures or dissections), the authors first of all offer a vast reminder of basic knowledge: anatomical study, clinical analysis, facial dynamics, aging process, etc.

Then, step by step, they deliver the keys to the know-how to master the procedure, consider the right indications, choose the right product, the optimal quantity to be injected at the right anatomical level, for all areas of the face, in order to obtain an optimal, natural result and avoid undesirable effects and complications.

The book also describes new concepts such as myomodulation, which makes it possible to take advantage of the complementarity of the two products, or facial morphoaesthetics, which proposes a specific analysis and approach according to the patient's request, age, sex and ethnotype.

Repeated reading and consultation of this richly illustrated book will allow the practitioner to acquire and perfect his expertise for the mastery, in all its dimensions, of his aesthetic art.

Dr Lakhdar Belhaouari

Centre de Chirurgie Esthétique, Toulouse

Dr Claire Beylot

Dermatologue, Bordeaux

Dr Véronique Gassia

Dermatologue, Toulouse

Dr Thierry Michaud

Dermatologue, Mulhouse

Dr Pierre Quinodoz

Dermatologue, Genève, Suisse

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