Infections du site opératoire

Rapport présenté au 122e Congrès Français de Chirurgie 2020

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Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 288
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1586-4
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1630-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 17/09/2020

• The French Association of Surgery organizes every year the congress that brings together all the practitioners in the field.

This collection publishes for the occasion two monographs following the themes proposed by the congress.
These works thus offer a perfectly updated sum of knowledge on the most varied subjects.

The objective of the AFC 2020 report was to establish a synthesis of current knowledge concerning surgical site infections (ISO).
The different chapters have allowed a clear redefinition of these infections on physio-pathological and epidemiological bases, but also to define the principles of their prevention and their current treatment in digestive surgery. Their medico-social-economic consequences have also been addressed and the current specific frameworks such as outpatient surgery and early rehabilitation have been the subject of specific responses.

A survey conducted among all surgeons registered at the AFC accompanies this "theoretical" synthesis of knowledge on SSIs. Its objective was to carry out an inventory of the current situation in the field of surveillance, prevention and management of surgical site infections in order to highlight the most frequent shortcomings and to remedy them as effectively as possible.

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