Hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal insufficiency

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Pages: 128
ISBN : 2-7420-0489-0
Printed in: French

Hyperphosphatemia is a common complication in chronic renal insufficiency. It may be present from the onset of kidney disease and affects over 70% of patients once they reach the dialysis stage. It causes ossification of the arterial walls and vascular rigidity which can lead to cardiac, valvular and vascular haemodynamic and morphological changes. In patients suffering from chronic renal insufficiency, hyperphosphatemia is a major factor in increasing the relative risk of cardiovascular mortality. The physiopathological mechanisms become increasingly complex and numerous factors appear to have a decisive role in whether it becomes established. Moreover, more treatment options are becoming available all the time.
In this book, Dr Pablo Ureña and several recognised experts in phosphocalcic metabolism pass on their knowledge and experience about hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal insufficiency. They review the physiology of phosphate, including the new molecules involved in regulating phosphatemia, how regulation changes in the presence of chronic renal insufficiency and kidney transplants, possible complications and new therapeutic strategies. They also examine diet, dialysis methods, correction of bone remodeling disorders and new intestinal phosphate chelating agents stripped of calcium and aluminium.
The book supplies an accessible, educational summary of recent data on the physiopathology, prevention, complications and types of treatment for hyperphosphatemia in chronic renal insufficiency. The best scientific and medical publications on the subject are reviewed, evaluated and presented in an easy-to-read fashion, with numerous illustrations.
- Bases physiologiques du métabolisme du phosphate
- Régulation de la phosphatémie dans l’insuffisance rénale chronique
- Complications associées à l’hyperphosphatémie chez les patients insuffisants rénaux chroniques
- Hyperphosphatémie chez l’enfant insuffisant rénal chronique
- Hyperphosphatémie chez le patient transplanté rénal
- Traitements de l’hyperphosphatémie de l’insuffisance rénale chronique
- Perspectives
- Recommandations