Hospitals and the nursing profession: Lessons from franco-japanese comparisons

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 192
Format: 17x24
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0796-7
Printed in: English
Publication date: 24/02/2011

The hospital systems of all developed countries are undergoing a range of reforms that aim to face many new challenges, such as ageing populations, technological progress, requirements of increasingly more informed patients, limited local budgets, and specialist staff, particularly the nursing profession.
Within this context, this books aims to analyse interactions between the nursing profession and hospitals in France and Japan. To understand the current changes, a comparison between the realities of these two countries is enlightening.
Therefore, the authors place the economic, sociological, political and historical analyses in perspective with results from the original surveys conducted in both countries.
These analyses reveal that the relationships between the nursing profession and hospitals in Japan are based on an overriding domestic world that contrasts with the French model where industrial and professional world predominate. In this sense, the future of the nursing profession in Japan cannot be disassociated from the paths that will include the empowerment of women. In France, the future of the nursing profession is related to the position of nurses within the healthcare system and the division of medical work.
The reader will also come across new social and historical comparisons with the British model. These contributions enable to highlight the specificities of France and Japan to the English-speaking audience.


The Nursing Profession:
From its emergence to the present-day picture
Two paths to professionalization
Gender issues addressed

The social worlds of French and Japanese nurses
French Nurses’ Social World
Japanese Nurses’ Social World

Paths to modernisation
Regulating hospitals and developing occupational competences
What projects for what teams?
General Conclusion