Practical guide to daily problems in intensive care intensive care (3rd edition)

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 624
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1548-2
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1569-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 20/06/2019

Considered as a reference since its publication, the Practical Guide to Daily Problems in Intensive Resuscitation Medicine operates a real change with this third edition:

- all chapters have been reviewed and updated based on the recommendations for intensive care and resuscitation;

- considerably enriched, the book also proposes five new chapters and is endowed with 150 additional pages!

A practical decision-making tool, the book describes 25 concrete situations, occurring at the time of the nurse's call, when the doctor takes over, prioritizes and acts.

Complete and synthetic, this guide is presented in the form of short texts enamelled with easily identifiable advice, supplemented by illustrations (drawings, diagrams, decision trees, etc.) and numerous summary tables. The spirit remains the same as in previous editions, namely to provide practitioners with an easy-to-use tool that can be consulted in the field.

Each chapter is structured around four main points:

- the urgent action to be taken at the patient's bedside;

- the diagnostic approach to the problem encountered;

- the etiological assessment;

- the general principles of the processing.

Intended for experienced or trained intensive care physicians, intensive care physicians, intensive care anesthesiologists and emergency physicians, this practical book will also meet the needs of all intensive care staff.

Olivier Lucidarme, cardiologue et réanimateur médical.

Ancien chef de clinique-assistant des Hôpitaux de Bordeaux, il est actuellement praticien hospitalier dans le service de réanimation polyvalente du centre hospitalier de Lisieux