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Collection: Eurocancer
Pages: 456
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0756-1
Printed in: French
Publication date: 07/12/2009

Book written in french
Eurocancer 2009 is the 22nd version of the event and bears witness to the rapid changes taking place in oncology :
- progress in fundamental research and transfers, to which seven sessions or days are dedicated, with particular emphasis on the growing importance of the relationships between tumour and microenvironment, indicating the limits of the "entirely genetic" approach, the importance of pharmacology, and progress in our understanding of antitumoural responses, a hereditary predisposition to cancer and the expansion of gene therapy ;
- progress that is visible in current practices and, in particular, identification of cancer subgroups, adapting treatments to meet the needs of these groups and of the individual patient. Seven sessions are devoted to tailoring treatment to the different cancers ;
- changes in specific and symptomatic treatments which are increasingly interdependent and which contribute to improving quality of life of patients with advanced stage cancer ;
- changes in medical and scientific relationships in oncology in the Mediterranean basin with the creation of the French Language Mediterranean Oncology Society (SMFC) making it possible to hold annual "Oncologic Research and Evaluation" seminars ;
- and finally, changes in oncology-related professions reflected in the days devoted to nurses, re-educators, clinical research technicians and associates, radiotherapists, psychologists, psychoanalysts and various other professions associated with prevention and screening.