Embryologie médicale (9e édition française - 13e édition américaine)

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: PRADEL
Pages: 506
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-36110-079-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 04/01/2018

Reference manual designed for both students and professionals seeing childhood malformations

This book builds upon the bases for understanding embryology and its clinical indicationsMedical Embryology keeps its specific presentation with a combination of texts, detailed diagrams and clinical documents.  The book emphasises the importance of the clinical arena, with many examples caused by to developmental abnormalities.  In each chapter, the clinical applications, summaries of the key points, "problems to solve" in the form of frequently asked questions and the glossary will assist students in their work and learning.

Prematurity and congenital malformations are major causes of death and handicap in children and new strategies can improve conditions for pregnancy and childbirth.  Health professionals have a major role to play in implementing this knowledge and these advances.  Knowledge of the bases of embryology is a prerequisite for these strategies to be successful and each person working in the health system can contribute to the better health of children.

This thirteenth edition provides more than 100 new updated illustrations, new clinical documents and photographs of early embryonic development, a detailed chapter on cardiovascular development and the most recent information in the field of genetics and molecular biology




• Part 1 – General Embryology

1. Introduction to molecular regulation and signalling mechanisms.
2. Gametogenesis: from gonocytes to gametes.
3. First week of development from ovulation to implantation.
4. Second week of development: the bilaminar embryonic disc.

5. Third week of development: the tridermal embryonic disc.
6. From the 3rd to 8th week: the embryonic period.
7. The primitive intestine and internal coelom.

8. From the 3rd month to birth: the foetus and the placenta.
9. Congenital malformations and antenatal diagnosis.


• Part 2 – Organogenesis

10. Axial skeleton.
11. Muscles.
12. Limbs.
13. Cardiovascular system.
14. Respiratory system.
15. Gastro-intestinal system.
16. Urogenital system.
17. Head and neck. 
18. Central nervous system.
19. Ear.
20. Eye.
21. Skin and integument