Eléments de biologie cellulaire - 4e édition

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Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 448
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1374-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 24/10/2013

book written in French

For this fourth edition of a reference book that is invaluable to teacher and student alike, most of the chapters have been expanded, the presentation of certain illustrations improved and some of these increasingly complex concepts made more accessible.

In addition, advances in certain areas of cell biology have prompted changes to a number of chapters including genetic information support, regulation of genetic information expression and its transmission from generation to generation, all of which are subjects attracting major research interest.

New knowledge has been added to the book in simplified form since it must also be accessible to students embarking on their exploration of cell biology.

The aim of this book is to allow students to acquire a solid grounding in cell organisation and function and to allow them to comprehend the links that exist between cell structure and function


A/ The cell and its molecular components
1. Characteristics of living beings
2. Chemical composition of living matter
3. Proteins
4. Lipids
5. Carbohydrates

B/ The cell compartments and their functions
6. The plasma membrane
7. The nucleus - The Prokaryotic nucleoid and Eukaryotic nucleus
8. Transcription of genetic information
9. Translation
10. Some regulation basics
11. The cytoskeleton and cellular motility
12. The intracellular compartments: endoplasmic reticulum,
Golgi apparatus, lysosomes
13. Energy recovery within the cell
14. Cell division