Discovering person centred medicine

Comparative views

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Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 142
Format: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1470-5
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1477-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 27/11/2015

This publication launches the new collection “Médecine de la personne” headed by Dr. Daniel Kipman, psychiatrist and president of the Observatoire Francophone de la Médecine de la Personne.

The concept of “médecine de la personne” or person centred medicine appeared several years ago in the field of psychiatry as a result of the need, for a number of people, to redefine the position of both the patient and the healthcare provider. The aim is not to consider patients as “clinical cases” but rather to take into account the totality of an individual, including his or her background and environment.
The focus is to help patients break out from the solitude of their disease, as they alone confront a diversified and divided medical practice based on the individual skills of each practitioner.

As for healthcare providers, they must rethink their training, the overall organisation of healthcare and the doctor-patient relationship in order to reposition the patient at the centre of the healthcare model.

Although a part of Psychiatry is at the head of this new “personalised” vision in closer proximity with patients, other specialties are gaining speed and very conclusive trials are being instated every day in France. Outside our borders, countries such as Canada are already well ahead.
This introductory book aims to gather accounts and perspectives from various actors: practitioners, nurses, psychologists who have experience in clinical practice based on person centred medicine.