Décision et évaluation médico-économique

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Pages: 106
ISBN : 2-7420-0516-1
Printed in: French
Discipline: Medicine

Fourth Health Economics Seminar organised by Glaxo SmithKline Laboratories,
Paris, 3 June 2003
This new collection of proceedings of the Health Economics Seminar, organised every year by Glaxo SmithKline Laboratories, covers a very important topic for the future of the health and social security system.
This theme was chosen for several reasons: the need to share, at European level, experiences and viewpoints on the evaluation or otherwise of health goods and services; the limits to government-funded policies for controlling health spending; the apparent lack of a "social Europe"; and finally the compartmentalization of the European Economic Area.
The first part examines the state of medico-economic evaluation in Europe, focusing in particular on the United Kingdom and France. Examples of evaluation projects carried out at European level by GSK are then presented: the ESEMeD study on depressive disorders and anxiety, the AIRE study on asthma and the "Confronting COPD" study on obstructive bronchopneumopathy.
The second part reports on the round-table discussions that enabled various prominent players (European and French health authorities, patients' organisations, economists and industrialists) to take part in the debate on the need for evaluation at European level, the implications of such a broad approach and the possible – and especially institutional – consequences.
- L’évaluation médico-économique en Europe : situation
La situation en Europe
La situation en Grande-Bretagne
La place des études économiques en France
- Des exemples d’études européennes
Etude ESEMeD
Etude AIRE
Etude « Confronting COPD »
- Table ronde
Faut-il une évaluation médico-économique européenne ?
Le point de vue de l’industrie
Le point de vue des autorités
Le point de vue de l’acheteur
Le point de vue des patients
Le point de vue de l’économiste