Biochemistry exercises. General biochemistry, Analytical and clinical biochemistry, Molecular biology - 4th edition

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Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 448
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1170-4
Printed in: French
Discipline: Student
Publication date: 15/06/2004

Book written in French

This book covers all the areas of biochemistry that a future medical biology technician needs to know, including basic analytical biochemistry techniques, safety ; structure, properties, metabolism and analysis of biological liquid components (water, minerals, sugars, fats and proteins); general and clinical enzymology ; molecular biology, hormonology, pharmacology, toxicology ; applied biochemistry : samples, quality control and automated analysis.

Almost 400 exercises are proposed, two thirds of which concern analytical and clinical biochemistry.
Corrections are provided for most, with more or less detail depending on the case.
This fourth "reviewed and corrected" edition provides the new terms and measurements updated in accordance with international standards.
The metrological data section (uncertainty, precision, accuracy, etc.) and the concepts of acceptability and results expression have been expanded.


1. Preliminary data
2. Basic techniques
3. Water – Mineral salts
4. Bioenergetics
5. Carbohydrates
6. Lipids
7. Proteins
8. Enzymology
9. Molecular biology
10. Hormonology – Pharmacology - Toxicology
11. Applied biochemistry