Addictive behaviour and change processes

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Pages: 102
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1108-7
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1251-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 15/10/2013

A pragmatic approach based on controlling at risk-behaviour rather than complete withdrawal.

The complete weaning isn’t the only solution.
The addictive behaviour is principally motivated by the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction.
First and foremost, the aim of addictology is to work with the patient on the ways in which they obtain pleasure and elucidate their consequences for health.

This practical guide explains the various steps for the treatment of addictive behaviour and will help the pratician to:
• identify the change process
• conduct effective and constructive motivational interviews
• detect all the vulnerability factors and the psychiatric comorbidities

Each process is singular to each patient: his history, his personal and cultural environment are important. It will allows him to find the resources to manage the addictive behaviour and to prevent the relapses.

The strong points :
• precise examples: tobacco, alcohol, opioids
• a focus on common preconceptions
• 12 key points to understand and manage the addictive behaviour