How Proust can enhance your practice of epileptology

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ISBN : 2-7420-0553-6
Printed in: French

Neurological science is moving forward at an astonishing pace. But are the practical repercussions of this progress fully reflected in the daily lives of epilepsy patients? Has society become any more tolerant of epilepsy? The training of the next generation of epileptologists should include data supplied by the practical experience of doctors who have devoted their lives to treating people with epilepsy.
This book includes some significant, highly subjective and practical accounts from eminent specialists all over the world who have agreed to fill in a questionnaire. They were asked:
Do you think the current definition of epileptic syndromes is satisfactory?
What is the most important step forward that could be taken?
Which teacher or teachers have influenced you the most?
Who is your favourite epileptic and why?
What were your major concerns during your career?
What would you have liked to demonstrate without managing to do so?
What discoveries did you make without any specific research?
What was the most important idea learnt during your studies that later turned out to be wrong?
The idea of this questionnaire inspired by Proust is to share with readers a wealth of experience based on the treatment of tens of thousands of patients.
Does one not become an epileptologist as a result of a meeting with a teacher who will later be responsible, often without his or her knowledge, for our entire medical education?