Chirurgie oncologique : concepts et techniques

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ISBN : 978-2-7420-0644-1
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-0892-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 04/01/2007

A book written in French
Under the aegis of the Cancer Plan, cancer surgery is turning into a global discipline in France, aiming to offer holistic management of the patient and all aspects of the disease.
Although any surgeon can treat cancer, he or she must nevertheless address and apply disease-specific rules and concepts, as well as the techniques that follow on from such concepts.
This book aims to provide an update of our knowledge about cancer surgery, and outline all the concepts relevant to daily practice.
Surgeons of all specializations will find up-to-date details about caring for patients with cancer: horizontal and organizational tools as well as psychological issues—and of course, techniques.
General concepts
- Decision-making in cancer surgery
- Counselling patients
- Announcing the diagnosis
- Pathogenesis of malignancy and surgical consequences
- The TNM system
- Cancer surgery and quality
- Truths and falsehoods about the obstacles facing clinical research in cancer surgery
- Outpatient cancer surgery
- Imaging and cancer surgery
- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy or how to optimise conservative surgery for breast cancer
- Genetic predisposition and preventive surgery
- Radionavigation in cancer surgery
Special techniques
- Curative treatment of peritoneal carcinoma
- In situ ablation of hepatic metastases – Cryotherapy – Radiowave destruction of hepatic metastases
- Sentinel lymph nodes - Background and applications – Isotopic techniques – Surgical techniques – Pathology: the example of breast cancer
- Surgical management of detected mammary tumors
- Cœliosurgical grading of gynecological cancers
- Laparoscopic repair of cancer of the rectum
- Isolated organ perfusion
- Tele-cœliosurgical hysterectomy
- Cancer and plastic surgery
- Vesical reconstruction