Cancer - All your questions answered

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Pages: 240
ISBN : 2-7420-0529-3
Printed in: French

This book is not a course, nor is it a manual aimed at specialists. It brings together 132 questions, written in a deliberately non-scientific style, which the author has collected over the years from both patients and colleagues.
Not all the questions cover the same level of knowledge: some are ultra-simple while others are more complex. The book is not designed to be read straight through, but to enable people to dip into it at any point, through a specific question or chapter.
The aim is not to reply to specific questions that individual patients may ask their doctors, but to supply answers to general questions about cancer. How does it develop? Is it hereditary? Is a complete cure possible? What is a metastasis, an oncogene, a biopsy, scintigraphy, an MRI scan?
This clear and practical book is also a mine of information. Appendices list charities, social security data charts, the hospital patient's charter, an example of informed consent, etc.
An index helps the reader to find quickly the answer or answers concerning a key word or a technical term used by health professionals.
I Qu’est-ce que le cancer ? Causes et mécanismes.
II Environnement et Cancer
III Prévention, Dépistage et Prédisposition
IV L’évolution de la maladie
V Le diagnostic du cancer
VI Les traitements classiques
VII Cancer, grossesse, fertilité et sexualité
VIIINouveaux traitements, essais thérapeutiques et éthique en cancérologie
IX Pour en savoir plus : Quelques chiffres
X L’organisation des soins et de la recherche en cancérologie