Breast Cancer and HER2

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Collection: Mise au Point
Pages: 96
ISBN : 2-7420-0454-8
Printed in: French

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women and the principal cause of death for women aged between 40 and 55. Today it is one of the major challenges to public health.
Of all patients suffering from metastatic breast cancer, 20% to 30% will have a particularly serious form of the disease, the main feature of which is a significant overproduction of the HER2 receptor which occurs on the surface of tumorous mammary cells. Overproduction of the HER2 receptor means that the tumour has greater resistance to conventional hormone therapy and chemotherapy, resulting in lower life expectancy, faster tumorous growth, a higher incidence of recurrence and metastasis development, and restricted treatment options.
This book, the result of a partnership between the GEFPICS (Group for evaluating the prognostic factors in breast cancer through immunohistochemistry) and the AFAQAP (French association for quality assurance in anatomy and cytology), provides an overview of why HER2 in breast cancer should be evaluated. It supplies basic data about HER2 biology and explains how awareness of HER2 status can be clinically useful. The authors give details of the methodology for detecting HER2 status, taking a critical approach, and report on the latest international recommendations.
- HER2. Biologie aspects fondamentaux
- HER2. Expression tissulaire
- GER2. Intérêt dans le cancer du sein (facteur pronostique/facteur prédictif)
- Activation de HER2. Les tests disponibles, recommandations internationales
- Stratégies d’inhibition de HER2
- Ciblage de HER2. Résultats des essais thérapeutiques
- Conclusion et perspectives