Anaesthetist / Surgeon : a single unit

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Collection: Books-e-Books
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 192
Format: 12 x 20 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1342-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 24/10/2013

Book written in French
Drs Vincent Travers and Henri Cuche have attempted to understand the responsibility of hospital practitioners with regard to risk management, with groups working in the private sector and the hospital administration.
They therefore worked extensively on evaluating stress levels and the main indicators in operating theatre staff.
Faced with heavy technical imperatives, legal constraints and an ever-increasing workload, anaesthetists and surgeons must cooperate when treating the same patient.
The authors, an anaesthetist and surgeon respectively, have opted to update their work by taking a new approach: now that we understand one another, let's present a common front!
1. Introduction
2. Medical-legal implications of the relationship between anaesthetist and surgeon
3. Organisational aspects
4. Stress and burn-out
5. What is the key to a better relationship?