Anesthésie-réanimation en chirurgie thoracique

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Collection: Collection Verte
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 464
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1383-9
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1478-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2017


A grouping of over 100 expert international French-speaking authors
for a reference book covering all practice in anaesthesia and intensive care for thoracic surgery

In addition to the essential basic concepts of this type of anaesthesia, this book describes all of the new anaesthetic and surgical developments.  Over the last 15 years, thoracic surgery has seen the emergence of very low invasive techniques using video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS).  Anaesthetists therefore need to adjust their practices and techniques as a result.

Pulmonary isolation has changed greatly through the arrival of new bronchial blockers, unipulmonary ventilation is becoming increasingly “protective” and analgesia is adjusting to the mini-incisions used in VATS.  The reader will find all of the necessary information for anaesthetic management in different types of surgery.  The explicit description of post-operative care allows for better communication and understanding with surgeons. 

This reference written by prestigious authors from the international French-speaking community is intended for all anaesthesiologists-intensive care physicians, whether junior or senior, who are involved in thoracic surgery.




The surgeon-anaesthesiologist relationship.

Part 1. Basic concepts
1. Anatomy ▪ 2. Physiology ▪ 3. Radiology ▪ 4. Thoracic endoscopy

Part 2. Pre-operative assessment
5. Pre-anaesthetic assessment ▪ 6. Respiratory function tests

Part 3. General principals of anaesthesia
7. Monitoring ▪ 8. Anaesthesia and cancer ▪ 9. Types of anaesthesia ▪ 10. Positioning for operation ▪ 11. Pulmonary isolation ▪ 12. Ventilatory strategies ▪ 13. Vascular filling ▪ 14. Rapid rehabilitation programme

Part 4. Intra-thoracic surgery
15. Lung resections ▪ 16. Video-assisted thoracic surgery ▪ 17. Robotic surgery

Part 5. Mediastinal surgery
18. Mediastinoscopy ▪ 19. Mediastinal masses

Part 6. Specific thoracic procedures
20. Trachea ▪ 21. Oesophagus ▪ 22. Bronchopleural fistula ▪ 23. Chest wall ▪ 24. Assorted diseases ▪ 25. Chest injury ▪ 26. Lung volume reduction surgery ▪ 27. Lung anaesthesia and transplantation ▪ 28. Severe haemoptysis  

Part 7. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
29. Interventional bronchoscopy ▪ 30. Complete bronchoalveolar lavage ▪ 31. Lung resection under local anaesthesia and sedation ▪ 32. Perioperative treatments of non-small cell lung cancers ▪ 33. Chest drainage

Part 8. Post-operative management:
34. Surgical management after major lung resections ▪ 35. Post-operative complications ▪ 36. Extra-corporeal ventilatory therapy ▪ 37. Analgesia