Anesthesia of the high-risk patient

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1. Risques cardiaques et hémodynamiques 27,00 €
2. Risques respiratoires 27,00 €
3. Risques rénaux et métaboliques 27,00 €
4. Risques neurologiques 27,00 €
5. Autres risques 27,00 €
Collection: Collection Verte
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 398
Format: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1549-9
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1593-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 03/10/2019

A valuable synthesis of the most up-to-date data
to meet the new challenges of anaesthetic and perioperative management


This book reflects the evolution from anesthesia to perioperative medicine for the management of high-risk surgical patients.

International experts responded to the call of the two coordinators to provide precise and pragmatic answers to a variety of clinical situations, gathered for the first time in a single book published in French.

All types of risks encountered by the anesthesiologist are described, making this book a reference and an aid for the daily life of anesthesiologists.

Updated protocols are proposed to better assess risks and improve perioperative management of these patients whose morbidity remains too high.

The objective of the book is to provide anesthesiologists with clear recommendations that will prove essential for the management of a large number of patients with serious diseases or conditions. Patients and perioperative situations are increasingly complex: this book will support anesthesiologists in their daily work.