Analyse et prévention des risques médicolégaux en gynécologie, obstétrique, périnatalogie et pédiatrie

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Available from 07/11/2024  
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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 270
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1751-5
Printed in: French
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Publication date: 07/11/2024

Lawyers specializing in medical law, as well as doctors, pediatricians and obstetrician-gynecologists, also trained in medical law, contributed to the writing of this book. Their objectives are to enable:

caregivers, to appropriately welcome the complaint against them, by communicating the legal tools enabling them to be proactive in their defense ;

to lawyers, to understand that medical science is a "soft", statistical science, in perpetual motion where 100% and 0% do not exist.

The first part is a legal refresher that will enable caregivers to understand the progress of a complaint and the legal reasoning behind its analysis. It deals, among other things, with the assessment of loss of chance, the notion of adequate causality, the evaluation of third-party needs, and a reflection on the professional recommendations on which experts often base their analysis of the case.

The second part reports on over 60 real-life clinical situations. Each of them has been the subject of a complaint before a court, an expert opinion and, for most of them, an opinion or judgment. They are illustrations of legal principles, such as the triptych "fault, injury, direct and certain causal link".

The final section deals with the prevention and management of complaints, the preparation of expert appraisals prior to accedit and, finally, possible ethical dilemmas.

Dr Jean-Pierre Chemla

Gynécologue-obstétricien, DU de médecine foetale, DU de réparation du dommage corporel (CAPEDOC), Université Paris-Cité, Paris

Pr Yannick Aujard

Ancien professeur émérite de pédiatrie, ancien chef de service de néonatologie-réanimation néonatale, Hôpital Robert-Debré, Paris. Ex-membre du Conseil de la santé publique. Médecin-conseil

Avec la participation de Maître Catherine Tamburini-Bonnefoy, avocate associée, spécialisée en droit de la santé et responsabilité médicale