Paediatric allergies

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Collection: EJD Book Series
Pages: 128
ISBN : 2-7420-0579-X
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2005

The seminars on Allergy Study Coordination are organised every year at Lyon University Hospital as part of continuing medical training at the Lyon Civilian Hospices.
The theme of this seminar – Allergies in children – is a major public health problem. It is estimated that such problems affect or will one day affect 20% of all children born since the start of the 21st century.
This book takes up the most recent ideas in research and the treatment of paediatric allergies, vital to doctors, researchers and health professionals working in the field.
- Physiopathologie de l’allergie chez l’enfant
- Allergies alimentaires chez l’enfant
- L’enfant asthmatique
- L’enfant allergique à l’école
- Vacciner l’enfant allergique
- L’allergie oculaire chez l’enfant
- L’enfant allergique aux médicaments
- L’urgence thérapeutique chez l’enfant allergique
- Utilité des test biologiques chez l’enfant allergique
- Texte court des Recommandations.
- Conférence de consensus