Adénocarcinome de l'estomac

Rapport présenté au 122e Congrès Français de Chirurgie 2020

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Publisher: ARNETTE
Co-Publisher: Avec la collaboration de Thibault Voron
Pages: 280
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1587-1
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1626-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 17/09/2020

• The French Association of Surgery organizes every year the congress that brings together all the practitioners in the field.

This collection publishes for the occasion two monographs following the themes proposed by the congress.
These works thus offer a perfectly updated sum of knowledge on the most varied subjects.

Report presented at the 122nd French Congress of Surgery

The AFC presents, as it does every year, a high-level summary of the progress made and the outlook for stomach cancer, a disease that is emblematic of the benefits of multidisciplinary management and the progress made in digestive medical-surgical oncology.

This report includes chapters dealing with the different characteristics of this cancer (pre-habilitation epidemiology, genetics, immunotherapy, research, among others), written by undisputed experts. On the other hand, the results of the multi-centre retrospective study of gastric cancer patients operated on from 2007 to 2017 are analysed, and more than 2,300 files were collected.


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