Actualités sur le plaisir

De la neurobiologie à la psychanalyse

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The enigmas of pleasure originally approached by confronting different points of view: neurobiological, developmental, psychoanalytical, philosophical, neuroscientific

Collection: Polémiques
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 200
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1692-1
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1728-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 20/10/2022

To understand the mechanisms of pleasure and displeasure, we need to grasp both their somatic and cerebral origins and their historical and social context. By bringing together a transdisciplinary group of researchers and young clinicians, this book provides a global, pedagogical and synthetic overview of the question.

Freud's text, Au-delà du principe de plaisir, serves as a red thread throughout their demonstrations. Firstly, published in 1920 with a very complete mapping of the subject, it allows us to measure the progress made in a hundred years in knowledge. The discovery of the reward circuit by Olds and Milner in 1954 is only one step in the harvest of new data acquired in 2021. Secondly, Freud himself called for a revision of his views in the light of future physiological or chemical descriptions. The time has come for a review of the answers a century later. Third, Au-delà du principe de plaisir, a historical milestone, has become a fundamental of European culture, raising questions that are still burning today. By placing the repetition compulsion, the death drive and hatred at the center of human life, it asks the questions of why: what processes are at work so that the will has no hold on them? and of how: what is their source, what are their consequences for the therapeutic conduct of the psychoanalyst or psychiatrist?

It turns out that the early experience of the child with his environment, which signs the always contextualized singularity of his symptoms, is implemented in the neural circuits which impose the constraints of his organization. So, how can we understand the life and death drives from there? How is repetition compulsion articulated, between the clinic and neuroscientific or epigenetic models? What are the contributions of neurobiological models, somatic markers, cellular science to the pleasure principle and the work of the negative? What role does pain play in the equation?

This book proposes answers by pursuing the path of an "ethic of decompartmentalization between psychoanalysis, psychiatry and neurosciences", in order to approach the intricacy of pleasure, displeasure and pain from theoretical models as well as from clinical and practical testimonies, in order to give back all their sharpness to the psychoanalytical experience and to the practice of a psychodynamic psychiatry

Dr Pierre Marie : Ancien médecin-chef des hôpitaux psychiatriques, ancien chargé d’enseignement de philosophie à l’Université. Il poursuit un séminaire à l’École normale supérieure de la rue d’Ulm à la jonction de la philosophie du langage ordinaire (Frege, Wittgenstein, Austin, Cavell, Travis) et de la psychanalyse. Psychanalyste

Dr Marc Masson : Psychiatre, coordinateur médical de Nightingale Hospitals-Paris Clinique du Château de Garches, ex-praticien Hospitalier à l’Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris.

Pr Yves Sarfati : Ancien praticien hospitalier-professeur des Universités, agrégé de psychiatrie, docteur en neurosciences, psychanalyste. Enseignant à l’European Psychiatric Association, son objet de formation transdisciplinaire appliquée mêle psychiatrie, psychanalyse et sciences du vivant. Son séminaire au Centre Hospitalier Sainte-Anne à destination des futurs psychiatres est consacré à la pratique de la psychiatrie psychodynamique et à ses articulations théoriques aux neurosciences.

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