Accès aux institutions des enfants et adolescents avec autisme ou troubles apparentés

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 148
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0695-3
Printed in: French
Publication date: 17/11/2008

Various reports on the treatment and support of autistic persons or persons with related disorders and their families have demonstrated the difficulties that they encounter in France.
The plans that have resulted from them have made it possible to develop responses, but these still remain insufficient, whatever the sanitary, medico-social or educational methods they involve.
This observation, made on a national level, has been particularly shown to be particularly true in Île-de-France.
It is in this context, and in order to inform decision makers on the prospectives to be explored, that a research study has been financed by the ARH and the DRASS.
This research has received particularly enthusiastic support from parents’ associations present within the monitoring committee.
The results published in this study contribute to the improvement of knowledge about the systems and their functioning, and constitute a factor to develop the responses provided in Île-de-France.
They insistently recall that the most disadvantaged children and adolescents most often experience temporal or geographic ruptures, for which we should try to provide collective solutions.