20 Questions in personalised medicine - Rheumatology

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Collection: 20 questions
Pages: 72
Format: 13 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0819-3
Printed in: French
Publication date: 04/01/2013

Personalised medicine and its new perspectives applied to rheumatology.
How are the chances of a medicinal product working optimised? How can we be certain that a treatment will suit a patient? How do we establish the diagnosis of an illness more accurately in a totally objective and scientific way?
These are the many questions to which personalised medicine provides answers.
Patients with a same illness may be gathered into subgroups with different genetic or molecular profiles. A characteristic molecular profile associated with each subgroup of patients, though all with the same illness and clinical manifestations requires a specific treatment adapted to each of these subgroups.
The biomarkers currently enable a diagnosis, treatment and even screening for certain diseases to be refined.
Applied to rheumatology, the aim of personalised medicine is to better understand the physiological mechanisms and reactions of patients with osteoarthritis or chronic inflammatory rheumatism.
Initially, a more accurate and earlier diagnosis may be suggested.
And secondly, a better therapeutic strategy may be initiated that is more adapted to each patient.