Des enfants comme les autres ?

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Collection: Hors collection
Co-Publisher: Association Descartes / John Libbey Eurotext
Pages: 320
ISBN : 2-7420-0153-0
Printed in: French

The health, rights and well-being of children born after fertility treatment.
Several hundred thousand children living in today's world were conceived by artificial insemination, and nearly 200,000 of them are the result of in vitro fertilization. One child in 200 is now conceived "outside the body".
How will artificially conceived children develop psychologically? - How will they cope with their abnormal origins? - How will they handle the overwhelming parental urge that brought them into being?
The aim of this important work is to collect and compare the available studies, contrast the legal situations in different countries and give families an opportunity to tell their stories. It contains previously unpublished material and gives the points of view of leading international experts from widely different backgrounds.