Emergence and Contrôle of Zoonotic ortho- and Paramyxovirus diseases

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 220
ISBN : 2-7420-0408-4
Printed in: English

Researchers are still identifying micro-organisms that cause new diseases in humans. A basic factor in the emergence of these diseases is the role played by animals, which act as a reservoir for certains viruses. In favourable conditions, such viruses can cross the species barrier and infect humans.
The book takes a close look at two families of virus: orthomyxoviridae and paramyxoviridae, which have infected many species of vertebrates and are responsible for zoonosis. The two main parts of the book describe how the viruses operate, how they spread and the risk factors for humans.
In addition to a specific and detailed study of these two micro-organisms, the book highlights the fascinating history of such diseases, their emergence, development and disappearance. They have occurred throughout human history, underscoring the role of the environment and the way it changes, often as a result of human intervention.
Sponsored by the Mérieux Foundation and written by leading international specialists, this book provides first-class information about these new viruses.
This publication is entirely in English.
Contains :
Viral emergence in the human wildlife continuum -
Orthomyxoviruses : influenza - Role of aquatic birds migration in influenza transmisssion - Ecology of avian influenza in domestic birds - Evolution and pathobiology of avian influenz virus virulence in domestic birds - The epidemiology and evolution of influenza viruses in pigs - Equine influenza outbreaks in China, including Hong Kong - Risk factors for recent influenza virus diseases outbreaks in animals - Internal genes as determinants of interspecies transmission and host specificity of infleunza A viruses - H5N1 virus : beaten, but is it vanquished ? - The signicance of antigenic evolution for swine influenza vaccine efficacy : learning from vaccination-challenge studies in pigs - Equine influenza : epidemiology, surveillance and vaccine performance - Anti-influenza drugs : implications of resistance - Developing vaccines against potential pandemic influenza viruses - Neuraminidase in the development of an anti-influenza vaccine -
Paramyxoviruses - Canine distemper virus infections in terrestrial carnivores - Morbillivirus outbreaks among aquatic mammals ? Serological evidence of morbillivirus (canine distemper-like) in free-ranging North-American bears ? Hendra virus : a new zoonotic paramyxovirus from flying foxes (fruit bats) in australia - Molecular biology of Hendra virus - The Nipah outbreak and control response in Malaysia - Emerging zoonotic paramyxovirus : the role of pteropid bats ?