Les groupes sanguins érythrocytaires (2e édition)

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A necessary update on the state of the art in erythrocyte blood typing.

Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 496
Format: 21 x 27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1739-3
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1741-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 18/04/2024

To meet the challenge of immunological transfusion safety, this book offers a comprehensive overview of current data in immunohematology, presenting the different human erythrocyte blood group systems and the basis of their polymorphism. This 2nd edition incorporates recent developments (9 new systems since the previous edition) and the latest genomic innovations.

System by system, the fundamentals are developed: the history of discovery, classification of antigens and phenotypes, genes and gene diversity, membrane and tissue distribution of antigens, and the antibodies that recognize them.

Each chapter also covers the links between phenotypes and pathologies, the sensitivity of antigens to enzymatic treatments and their clinical involvement in autoimmunity phenomena.

The authors then review cross-cutting aspects such as HLA antigens, poly-agglutinability, frequency variability, genetic anthropology...

This didactically designed book is intended for hematologists, biologists and transfusionists, as a tool for meeting the challenges posed by blood transfusion. For the specialized reader, it provides answers to the majority of questions concerning erythrocyte blood group antigens and genes.

Un ouvrage collectif publié sous l’égide de l’Etablissement français du sang (EFS), de la Société francophone de transfusion sanguine (SFTS) et de l’UMR ADES sous la direction de :

Jacques Chiaroni, professeur d’hématologie, directeur de l’EFS PACA et Corse et directeur de l’UMR7268 « Anthropologie bio-culturelle, droit, éthique et santé » à l’université Aix-Marseille ;

Thierry Peyrard, biologiste médical, directeur du département national de référence en immuno-hématologie et sang rare à l'EFS Île-de-France, membre de l’Académie nationale de pharmacie, UMR_S1134 BIGR Inserm/Université Paris Cité & Université des Antilles ;

France Pirenne, professeure d’hématologie, CHU Henri-Mondor, directrice de l’équipe « Transfusion et maladies du globule rouge » , Institut Mondor de recherche biomédicale, EFS et Inserm U955, présidente de la SFTS.

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