Visual impairments and neurodevelopmental disorders

From diagnosis to rehabilitation

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A comprehensive review of visual impairment in children and possible solutions

Pages: 224
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1446-0
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1482-8
Printed in: English
Publication date: 11/02/2016

The rising number of cases in visual disorders during development, over the last decade, has strongly influenced approaches to diagnosis and rehabilitation.

Moreover, the study of visual function has evolved not only within an ophthalmological, but also a neurodevelopmental framework: advances in our understanding of the maturation and plasticity of visual system functioning have further guided the progress of such approaches. As a result, the key importance of the developmental age is now widely acknowledged, from as early as the first months of life.

This book provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders in relation to advances in neurodevelopmental studies. The concept of early and multimodal management is discussed, with a focus on neuro-psycho-ophthalmological issues. The need for training courses aimed at updating semiological aspects and methodological and rehabilitative strategies is established, as being of significant value to clinical practice.

4 parts:

  1. General overview
  2. Cerebral visual impairments: from diagnosis to rehabilitation
  3. Rehabilitation of visual impairments
  4. Visual disorders and neurological diseases