Epileptic syndromes and psychotic disorders

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 216
ISBN : 2742004130
Printed in: French

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between epilepsy and the appearance of psychotic disorders.
This clear and concise book offers a current overview of how psychotic disorders can complicate the development of active epilepsy.
It is intended for neurologists, psychiatrists and epilepsy specialists who would like to be better informed about the psychotic disturbances associated with epilepsy. Experts in disciplines that are normally regarded as separate will find here the kind of combined analysis that is of interest to all doctors who may be called upon to deal with epilepsy patients.
The book offers an update of recent research on the subject and, by examining the latest findings on how the brain works, sweeps away all the theories that have dominated thinking in the field for the past 20 years or so.