Incipient schizophrenia: diagnosis and treatment

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Pages: 304
ISBN : 2-7420-0448-3
Printed in: French

Consensus conference, 23-24 January 2003
The name schizophrenia is used to describe a range of disorders which are generally believed to affect 1% of the overall population worldwide.
The chronic nature of these disorders, the suffering they cause to those afflicted and their families, and the need to develop specific therapies and appropriate care programmes both in and outside hospital make them a major challenge for public health.
The conference was held in January 2003, in accordance with guidelines issued by the French National Agency for Health Evaluation and Accreditation. It covered the question of incipient schizophrenia and brought together a wide range of people concerned by a subject whose main issues can be summarised as follows:
– What theoretical model can be used to understand the aetiology and pathology of these disorders?
– What courses of treatment and pharmacological substances are most appropriate?
– Is it possible to take action early on in the illness to try to influence the prognosis?
Au sommaire :
- Diagnostic
Les formes de début de la schizophrénie
Les prodromes de schizophrénies
Facteurs de risques et vulnérabilité
Questions transversales
- Thérapeutique
Considérations générales
Les moyens thérapeutiques
- Questions éthiques et méthodologiques