Paediatric Movement Disorders

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ISBN : 2-7420-0542-0
Printed in: English
Publication date: 01/06/2005

Paediatric Movement Disorders is an exciting field of Child Neurology. In recent years, an important amount of new knowledge has accumulated at an increasing place, both on basic and on clinical aspects of Child Neurology.
Highly qualified experts of the corresponding fields wrote chapters of this book that represent the “state-of-the-art” in this excited field of Chiold Neurology and will prove to be a useful tool to both clinicians and scientists.
- Abnormal movements in alternating hemiplegia of childhood
J. Aicardi
- Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiencies
and Movement Disorders
N. Blau
- Tourette syndrome:
autoimmune mechanisms
F. Cardoso
- Deep Brain Stimulation
in Paediatric Dystonia
L. Cif, H. El Fertit, N. Vayssière,
S. Hemm, D. Gaudin, S. Serrat, P. Coubes
- Early onset primary torsion dystonia
A. Fasano, A.E. Elia, A. Albanase
- Prevalence of paediatric movement disorders (PMD) in a Spanish tertiary -- Neuropediatric Department
E. Fernández-Alvarez
- Tyrosine Hydroxylase Deficiency
Symptomatology, diagnosis,
therapy and outlook
F. Hörster, G.F. Hoffmann
- Stereotypies in autistic
and other childhood disorders
J. Jankovic
- Essential Tremor in Children
E.D. Louis
- Transient Movement disorders
of infancy and childhood
M.D. Moharir, R.A. Ouvrier,
P. Grattan-Smith
- Status Dystonicus in children
N. Nardocci for: European Study Group on Movement Disorders in Children
- Diagnostic Considerations
in Juvenile Parkinsonism
D.C. Paviour, A.J. Lees
- Dyskinetic Features of Succinate Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency, a GABA Degradative Defect
P.L. Pearl, M.T. Acosta, D.D. Wallis,
T. Bottiglieri, K. Miotto, C. Jakobs, K.M. Gibson
- Clinical, biochemical and molecular spectrum of Aromatic. L-Amino acid decarboxylase deficiency
R. Pons, B. Ford, C.A. Chiriboga,
P.T. Clayton, V. Hinton, K. Hyland,
R. Sharma, D.C. De Vivo
- Opsoclonus-Myoclonus-Ataxia Syndrome
M.R. Pranzatelli
- Movement disorders
in paediatric inherited ataxias
A. Roubertie, B. Echenne
- Benign hereditary chorea
A. Schteinschnaider
- Cerebral creatine deficiency
and movement disorder
S. Mercimek-Mahmutoglu,
S. Stöckler-Ipsiroglu