Hypnose, douleurs aiguës et anesthésie (2e édition)

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Collection: Collection Verte
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 384
Format: 15 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1508-6
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1536-9
Printed in: French
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Publication date: 05/07/2018

In 2010, the publication of the first edition of this book was a real event in the world of anaesthesia-resuscitation. Still unknown at the time, medical hypnosis has become widespread in recent years in the wake of its publication.

Eight years later, while the effectiveness of hypnosis in medical practice and pain management no longer needs to be proven, both authors felt the need to update their work and the enrich it with new chapters.

The use of hypnosis in medicine has developed with the change in patient expectations: more and more, patients wish to have a say in their care and demand that it be individualized to respect their personality. Hypnosis is fully part of this approach since it places the patient at the heart of the treatment.

In addition, neuroscience has restored hypnosis to a place of choice within the arsenal of tools that can be used to help patients suffering from acute pain.

This greatly expanded new edition presents the development of recent years and includes new techniques: dissociative, confusion, relational, sensory, rapid techniques, etc.

It also devotes a large section to the specificities of paediatric hypnosis



Chapter 1 – The evolution of hypnosis

Chapter 2 – From spontaneous trance to therapeutic hypnosis

Chapter 3 – Therapeutic communication

Chapter 4 – The basic protocol

Chapter 5 – Dissociation and association

Chapter 6 – Activation of bodily resources

Chapter 7 – Safety

Chapter 8 – Repatterning

Chapter 9 – Sensoriality

Chapter 10 – Rapid hypnosis

Chapter 11 – Indications of hypnosis in the care pathway

Chapter 12 – Filling techniques

Chapter 13 – Informal Hypnosis

Chapter 14 – Metaphors

Chapter 15 – Self-hypnosis

Chapter 16 – The path to success

Franck Bernard est anesthésiste-réanimateur au CHP Saint-Grégoire à Rennes. Il est formateur en communication et en hypnose depuis 2001,président du Club des médecines non médicamenteuses de la SFAR et directeur de la formation « hypnose » pour les anesthésistes au sein de l’Institut Émergences (Rennes). 

Claude Virot est médecin psychiatre à Rennes. il est directeur de Émergences, institut dédié au développement de l’hypnose et de la communication thérapeutique. Président de la Société internationale d’hypnose et Fondateur de l’Institut Milton H. Erickson.