The genetics of schizophrenia

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Pages: 150
ISBN : 2-7420-0430-0
Printed in: French

Schizophrenia is a serious illness, specific to humans, and little is yet known about what causes it. It is difficult to diagnose because of the extremely wide range of symptoms and manifestations.
The aetiology of schizoprenia doubtless includes a genetic factor which interacts with environmental factors. The latter may encourage or prevent the emergence of the illness in people who are liable to be affected.
In future, progress in research may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms that underlie this complex illness, and make it possible to develop more effective strategies for dealing with it and to introduce preventive measures for people regarded as being genetically at risk.
This book provides an overview of current knowledge in the area of how genes influence schizophrenia.
Au sommaire :
- Présentation générale de la schizophrénie
- Epidémiologie génétique
- Stratégies d’étude dans les maladies à hérédité complexe
- Schizophrénie et anomalies chromosomiques
- Le concept d’anticipation et son mécanisme génétique
- Recherche de marqueurs de vulnérabilité