Addiction to opiates and substitutive treatments

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Pages: 90
ISBN : 2-7420-0257-X
Printed in: French

This book gives an overview of the latest forms of addiction treatment in France, particularly those connected with drug abuse.
Major developments have occurred in the way patients are cared for since the 1980s. The individual is now considered in a more holistic manner and the doctor offers to take charge of his or her general health.
Moreover, substitutive treatments have proved their effectiveness and, in conjunction with psychological follow-up, have become the benchmark form of therapy.
Failures are also considered, however, and a chapter is devoted to the subject detailing the various options in managing such cases.
Borderline cases are also dealt with. Above all, the role of the doctor in coping with the behaviour of drug addicts is evaluated.
- De la toxicomanie à l’addictologie : historique, évolution des concepts
- Evolution. La situation française
- Les fonctions des produits
- Traitements de substitution et philosophie de l’abstinence
- Les traitements de substitution des dépendants à l’héroïne et aux opiacés
- Psychologie, médecine générale et usage de la drogue
- Des situations difficiles : la gestion de l’échec
- Rôle des médecins devant les conduites dopantes
- Les polyusages
- Ce que vous savez sûrement déjà
- Au-delà de la clinique