The challenge : caring for others without becoming exhausted oneself

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 192
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1394-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 27/02/2014

How to avoid becoming exhausted, protect one's own health and continue to love one's job in a medical profession that is increasingly subject to stress?
Working conditions have changed substantially over the past decades and doctors have become increasingly vulnerable to stress, with many GPs even experiencing burn-out.
In this book, all aspects of stress and its causes – socio-professional and personal to name but two - are addressed, together with its practical implications, and numerous concrete examples.
To allow the doctors who read the book to work out how stress affects them personally, the psychological mechanisms of stress are analysed and explained in detail and in simple, accessible language.
Suggestions and practical advice show how to remain psychologically balances and how best to use and renew one's energy when caring for others. This intelligent stress management on a daily basis ensures that burn-out is kept at a distance.
The book is first and foremost geared to helping GPs manage their stress individually. It gives readers the wherewithal to explore their own approach to stress but will also be useful in their routine medical practice.
The aim is to make the link between a symptom and the situation triggering it. Obviously, once the diagnosis has been reached, concrete responses are required : - what can a person (doctor or patient) suffering from stress do for him or herself ;
- how can doctors maintain energy levels when dealing with their patients' stress ; - where to find help as a professional ?