Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

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ISBN : 978-2-7420-0646-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 30/07/2009

This is the second edition of the book devoted to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the "Haematology series".
While all the chapters have been reworked, the book has been written in the same spirit as the earlier version: the aim is to inform oncologists-haematologists treating patients with the disease and to help train their less experienced colleagues.
Written by eminent specialists in the field who have been involved in the development of clinical trials through the GELA* for twenty years, this work provides a synthesis of recent breakthroughs and will serve as a practical guide for clinicians and pathobiologists alike.
Since the year 2000, when the first edition was published, impressive progress has been made in all fields, including epidemiology, clinical aspects and therapies.
All treatment strategies have been modified as a result of the large randomized studies conducted in Europe and this must be brought to the attention of clinicians working with the disease.
Treatments have also undergone major changes through the introduction of humanised anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in all B-cell lymphomas, which have led to an overall improvement in the survival rates.
Future progress will depend on the arrival of new treatments more closely targeting both already known and yet to be discovered carcinogenesis pathways, with the aim of developing antitumour vaccines for type B lymphomas.
*GELA: Groupe d’Étude des Lymphomes de l’Adulte (Adult lymphoma study group)