BTS ESF Économie-Consommation Gestion

Le tout-en-un - 2e édition

Collection dirigée par Cristian Carip
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Recommandé pour les étudiants en 1re et 2e années de BTS ESF

Collection: Réussir son BTS
Publisher: TEC & DOC
Pages: 384
Format: 19 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7430-2757-5
Printed in: French
Discipline: Economic sciences
Publication date: 03/04/2025

The aim of this new, completely revised edition of “BTS ESF, Économie-consommation + Gestion” is to support students in their learning of family social economics, by preparing them for the BTS exams linked to economics and management, which are within the reach of any committed and methodical candidate.

- The order of the chapters strictly follows the plan of the referential associated with consumer economics.

- It comprises two complementary parts: the economics-consumption course itself, and the annals' answer keys to the eco-consumption questions. questions on eco-consumption in everyday life, extended to the management of a service, a facility and/or a project.

This manual is a direct response to the concerns expressed by professionals during the reorganization of ESF studies, calling for greater consideration to be given to the budgetary problems of users and social structures.

It is designed as a series of operational tips, with each theme systematically presented in functional terms, along with its applications, i.e. the concrete effects on the public concerned.

So, for example, advising an over-indebted household means not only understanding the social and family environment that led to this situation, but also accurately calculating its debt capacity and working with it to draw up and monitor a cash flow budget over time.

This book is an illustration of the synergy between pedagogy, rigorous reporting and a clear understanding of the client's financial situation.

Michel Camus est ingénieur-conseil en travail social, et enseigne en BTS ESF et DE CESF. Il est diplômé de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris et docteur d’état en sciences des organisations (Université de Paris-Dauphine)

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